2007年5月9日 星期三

After using RSS and Technorati

Today I will be talking about the combination of blog and tagging. Tagging is a great way to put something about important about the blog to allow others to find it easily. For example, the following three blogs I choice to posted in my RSS and my blog were found using the tagging system of Technorati, they are:
http://newmoviecharts.blogspot.com/2007/05/1-spider-man-3.html (tag: spiderman 3)
I choose this blog because it talks about the movies that are showing recently from 2006-
2007. Also, it got trailers in the blog, which is a great way to know a movie. http://kang09212611291026.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!8225659A41F8C94F!1594.entry (tag: taiwan food)
This blog is written by a young lady who is very interested in Taiwan (food, culture,
place,and people). Since I am from Taiwan, it not only can refresh my memory of Taiwan, but
also show me new things that are happening in Taiwan, therefore, I think it is a great site. http://isabellaaa.livejournal.com/57800.html (tag: music)
Finally, another blog I prefer is this one. In the blog, it shows a lot of songs written by
musicians and you can listen to them. It also introduce some classical music that is favored by
the author, which is a great way to know more about music. So I choose this site, and I
recommend it as the site for relaxation.
This is the first time I use Technorati. It is an online software that allows you to find the blogs of your choice and added to your favorite. The advantages of using Technorati are:
i) you can find the inform. of your choice
ii) the inform. / blogs provided to you might contain different varieties of things
iii) the varieties of things include pic., video, clips, music, other inform. and more

However, the disadvantages are:
1) the inform. provided might not contain the specific topic you wish to find
2) the inform. provided could be not true
3) the same thing with RSS, they give you a lot of inform. with different varieties

Overall, I think using Technorati is great but I would prefer using RSS, because of the truthness of the inform. provided. However, on the other hand, Technorati is a great way to see different design for their blogs, and it is also a good way to relax, by reading things other than serious news report. By the way, the tagging system of Technorati is great in blogs, but it is not as specific as I was hoping to get. Hopefully after reading my description of Technorati and RSS, everyone have the idea or a little understanding the usage of both software. Thank you for reading, enjoy the rest of your day.
Sincerely Steve
PS for further inform. on the topic I found most interesting in each of the blog, plz read my Google Reader at:
or just click the topic on the side bar. Enjoy.
