2007年5月11日 星期五

The usage of Del.icio.us

After using del.icio.us, I think it is very useful in sharing the blogs of interest and it is also a great way to see what kinds of things people are most interested in. Compared to Technorati, del.icio.us has the similar system of finding the blogs. However, Technorati can also look for the video and pictures from the blogs and other sites. Overall I think it would be a great idea for people to use del.icio.us to find blogs and share the blogs with other people you know, however, it is not a great way to find video and pictures you want. Therefore, I prefer using Technorati in finding blogs, and del.icio.us in sharing blogs. Del.icio.us is an easy system for everyone to use, after reading my blog about it, hopefully everyone can understand the advantages of using del.icio.us. If you want more inform. on del.icio.us, please visit http://del.icio.us/ and enjoy.
ps: on the sidebar, you can see the blogs of my favorite. Please visit too. ^^
